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© Maite Baldi / WWF

A new vessel is sailing across the Mediterranean to bring the voice of the sea close to people.

Blue Panda will bring the voice of the Mediterranean close to the millions of local communities and tourists enjoying its natural and cultural beauties, and strengthen a movement of Mediterranean Keepers fighting for a healthier and better protected sea.


The Mediterranean Sea, cradle of a flourishing civilization, is under threat. Centuries of unregulated overexploitation have put its natural beauty in danger. A unique universe of plants, animals, and natural heritage needs us.
We are ready. A WWF boat will ride the waves across the Mediterranean in a brave and epic mission. A boat to unite the voices of people from distant shores and far-away countries, from France to Croatia, from Italy to Türkiye. It will bring these voices to the sea and return to the land filled with stories, dreams, and hopes.
A boat that will explore the Mediterranean with love and respect, working hard to protect its precious heritage and encouraging more and more communities to join the fight.


This year the Blue Panda will make an amazing journey across the Mediterranean tackling an enormous variety of issues and visiting some of the most important projects WWF is running in the region.

We will collect data on the health status of marine protected areas, we will map the presence of the last remaining meadows of posidonia oceanica that needs to be protected and identify ghost gear that pose a threat to marine species and habitats, we will work with scientists to understand the presence of threatened species of sharks and rays and continue our work to protect cetaceans from the risk of collision. 

We will do all this with scientists, experts, MPA managers, small-scale fishers, local communities, and tourists that will join us at sea or at docks.
Do you want to meet the Blue Panda’s crew and teams and help save the Mediterranean? Follow us here and at #BluePanda: 

The moment has come. We are ready to set sail. Are you?

© WWF Mediterranean